Boost Your Business Online Profits in 2009


This is a special, one-time edition of my blog with helpful,
time-sensitive information if you have a website, have ever thought about having one, or know someone who does.  Or, if you’ve ever wanted to start an online business, but don’t know how.  Or, if you have an online business, but aren’t sure how to make it profitable.

(If you have no interest in ever having an effective website or a
successful online business, please click “forward” now and send this to friends who do. They’ll thank you for it. My normal blog will be along in a few days.

Maybe you already have a site but wonder if it’s doing you as much good as it could. If it’s “effective?”  Or, maybe you’ve thought about starting an online business, but aren’t sure how to go about it.  It can be confusing, complicated and you can waste a lot of time and money learning the ropes.

Here’s some good news.

I found the single best web hosting resource to help me more effectively market myself and my products, make more money, and generally make everything about my business a LOT easier. Almost everything I thought I knew about having an online presence has changed for the better.

In a nutshell, here’s the main point: you can have the coolest website in the world, but if nobody comes to it, what good does it do you?  Not much.  You need visitors.  You need traffic.  And, you need to monetize it!

But how do you get that?  What’s the secret?  How do you get people coming to your site in bunches, already looking for the great services and products you have to offer them?

It used to be tricky.  Search engines like google and the rest look for certain qualities in a website, and if you have those qualities you’ll appear at the top of the search listings when people are online searching for the kind of things you offer.  It’s complicated to figure out, and the rules change all the time.  It can also be
costly, buying google ads and other attention-getting tricks.

There are many “experts” and “gurus” out there who will sell you expensive programs full of DVDs and bulky manuals that teach you how to do this. You can spend weeks, months, even years studying this stuff, and if you’re not a total techie you can get really frustrated.  I know I have done all of the above.  You can end up hiring expensive tech help and still not have the traffic of profits your deserve.

For example:  I recently spent a lot of money (a few thousand dollars) revamping my site. I worked with some great web designers, used good principles, and came up with a beautiful website that people like a
lot.  It has nice photos, compelling endorsements and keyword copy.  But, not good enough in the bigger scheme of global search in a sea of marketing and business consultants.

But now I’ve seen the future.  And it is good.  I never have wanted or intended to be an internet “techy” and now I don’t have to – while still having affordable experts to help my website … and yours, be the best it can be for pre-sold traffic and profits!

I learned about a web hosting company designed from the ground up for people like us.  It’s unlike anything else out there.  They help you (easily!) build a site from scratch that is totally optimized for search engines. A site that will help you be in the top 1-3% of search results.  A site that’s designed to maximize business and income, with a remarkable array of helpful, easy-to-use tools.

Or, if you already have a site, you can simply import whatever parts you want to keep.  Or, use this site builder as more of a landing page to send pre-qualified buyers to your main site – without discontinuing it.

You need no technical expertise.  They even help you write your copy with whatever powerful keywords you need for your specific niche.  Everything is optimized for getting targeted customers and prospects
to your site.

The company is called “Site Build It!”  I could go on and on about their features, services, and success stories, but it’s better if you watch their short video and see for yourself.  I’ll also mention they
have an absolutely no-risk guarantee, and the price is ridiculously low.  Maybe even less than what you’re currently paying if you have a site now, because the usual “extra charge” add-ons are included.

So check them out. Watch the 2 minute video, read about all the features.  Then I strongly suggest taking the Video Tour.  It’s engrossing, very well done and by the end of it you’ll have a great idea how SBI! can help you achieve your goals for webselling profits in 2009.

Even more good news.

Until January 5, they’re offering a 2 for 1 special.  Two sites for the price of one.  You can build two sites, or give one away to a colleague, or split the cost between you and a friend.  Half price!

SBI! also has fabulous customer service.  Every time I have a question I get an answer in minutes.

If you have or are thinking about having a website, if you’re spending money for a lot of “optional features” with your current web host, or if you would like a smooth pathway to a profitable online business, you owe it to yourself to check out “Site Build It!”.  They are absolutely committed to making their site owners successful.

Wouldn’t it be great to work with a company like that?

Please feel free to forward this to friends and family who have websites and online businesses, or would like to.  You’ll be doing them a huge favor.  In today’s economy – we all need every cutting edge advantage we can.  This effective and affordable option is by far one of the best business and profit building partners I’ve ever found!

Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2009!



One Response to “Boost Your Business Online Profits in 2009”

  1. aLee Says:


    thanks for the great post, I hope 09 will be great for you too..


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